• 10999920
  • 地址 / Address :澳門羅馬街96號 東南亞花園B座四樓AG室 Rua da Roma, no.96, Edif "Jardim Tung Nam Ah",Bloco B,4. andar "AG"
  • 電話 / Tel:+853 6233 8211
  • 電郵 / Email:elitemusic1119@yahoo.com.hk
Copyright 2011, ELITE.All Rights Reserved.Designed By澳門盈雋有限公司





  Introduction of Elite   


The Association for  Creativity and  Music Culture was established on 19th November 2010 under the

endeavour by Mok, I Leng and Kam, Sze Leung. Our aim is to promote the creativity of music culture.

By  providing training and guidance  services for those  who  love  music (included those who have

studies piano since childhood and are carrying out different careers, as well as the young student,

etc) , so  that they could have an opportunity to show their music talent and participate in piano

performances . The  chance for music communication and creativity can enhance the music quality in

Macau .The  funds  raised  will  be  used  for events  which are relevant  to the purposes of our association.
To  carry  out  the aim of  our association , various types  of lectures , concerts , exhibitions,

exchanges,workshops, music training courses and publications will be offered . Besides , to expand

music  and  art  cultures with the organizations  and  institutions in  Hong Kong , Taiwan , Asia,

mainland China and even overseas.  


  • 17540811
  • 地址 / Address :澳門羅馬街96號 東南亞花園B座四樓AG室 Rua da Roma, no.96, Edif "Jardim Tung Nam Ah",Bloco B,4. andar "AG"
  • 電話 / Tel:+853 6233 8211
  • 電郵 / Email:elitemusic1119@yahoo.com.hk
Copyright 2011, ELITE.All Rights Reserved.Designed By澳門盈雋有限公司