• 10999920
  • 地址 / Address :澳門羅馬街96號 東南亞花園B座四樓AG室 Rua da Roma, no.96, Edif "Jardim Tung Nam Ah",Bloco B,4. andar "AG"
  • 電話 / Tel:+853 6233 8211
  • 電郵 / Email:elitemusic1119@yahoo.com.hk
Copyright 2011, ELITE.All Rights Reserved.Designed By澳門盈雋有限公司
「澳門精創音樂文化協會」為一弘揚音樂創意文化之非營利组織,其主要服務對象為澳門之青少年。本會宗旨在透過音樂培訓及輔導性服務,讓青少年得以發揮潛能、實現自我。本會成員涵蓋音樂創作人、法律專材、醫生、教育心理學家、音樂治療師及商界代表等,可謂集各領域菁英於一爐。本會將以精心創造, 精心栽培作為對澳門青少年音樂才藝發展的承諾。

為什麼要發展音樂藝術 ?我們相信透過音樂的學習和欣賞,不僅能培養青少年溫婉,恬靜,純樸的性情,更能在擴闊其音樂視野的同時,啟發他們豐富的想像力,激發他們內在的真善美,使年輕人能有更開朗活潑的心境,適應社會,與人相處。
音樂治療的應用很廣泛,包括特教領域中的各類身心障礙者,如智能障礙、學習障礙、情緒行為障礙、視覺障礙、聽覺障礙、肢體障礙、語言障礙等。 例如音樂治療可幫助自閉症兒童穩定情緒、減少重複性動作、提高專注力、自理能力、溝通能力及啟發智能;也可以幫助注意力不足的兒童,訓練自制能力、塑造正確行為、改善社交能力及建立自信;再且,音樂治療亦可讓情緒及行為有偏差的兒童發洩及檢視自己的情緒,重建情感模式。


"ELITE - Association for Creativity and Music Culture" is a non-profit organization which promotes the  
creativity of music, whose main target is the teenagers in Macao. Our aim is to provide music training and  
counseling services for young people so that they can develop their potential and realize their goal. Our  
affiliates are music composer, lawyers, engineer, doctor, educational psychologist, music therapist and  
business representatives… etc. In other words, ELITE in the different fields are gathered here. Our
organization aims to create and cultivate meticulously to the development of  the teenagers’ music talent in Macao.
Why should we develop music art?
We believe that through the study and appreciation of music, teenagers will build up a gentle, quiet and pure personality. Moreover, the visions in music will be broaden as it can stimulate their imagination and inspire their inner beauty, so that the teenagers will have a more cheerful mood to adapt to the society and get along with the people.

Why should we promote music therapy?
Music therapyconsists an interpersonal process in which a trained music therapist uses music and all of its facets—physical, emotional, mental, social, aesthetic, and spiritual—to help the need people to improve or maintain their health. In other words,it simply uses music as a medium to help the people to relief their psychological and physical barriers.

Music therapy is widely used, including various types of special education for those who have mental disabilities, learning disabilities, emotional behavioral disorders, visual impairment, hearing impairment, physical disabilities and language barriers. For example, music therapy can help autistic children to control their emotion, reduce their repetitive movements, improve concentration, self-care skills, communication skills and inspire their intelligence. Also, it helps those absent-minded children to pay attention, control themselves, improving social skills and build up self-confidence. Furthermore, music therapy can also let those children who have emotional or behavioral disability to understand and rebuild their emotions mode.


Due to the great attention to mental health in recent years, music therapy is used to relieve pressure, develop personal growth and self-exploration.

It is my pleasure to be the second chairman of ELITE- Associationfor Creativity and Music Culture. It is a non-profit organization whichpromotes the creativity of music. Based on the music culture and the passion,we will make an effort to achieve the aim of our organization with all themembers.  We believe our organization will make a contribution to the development of theteenagers in Macao, especially performing the wonderful songs.

  • 16960337
  • 地址 / Address :澳門羅馬街96號 東南亞花園B座四樓AG室 Rua da Roma, no.96, Edif "Jardim Tung Nam Ah",Bloco B,4. andar "AG"
  • 電話 / Tel:+853 6233 8211
  • 電郵 / Email:elitemusic1119@yahoo.com.hk
Copyright 2011, ELITE.All Rights Reserved.Designed By澳門盈雋有限公司