• 10999920
  • 地址 / Address :澳門羅馬街96號 東南亞花園B座四樓AG室 Rua da Roma, no.96, Edif "Jardim Tung Nam Ah",Bloco B,4. andar "AG"
  • 電話 / Tel:+853 6233 8211
  • 電郵 / Email:elitemusic1119@yahoo.com.hk
Copyright 2011, ELITE.All Rights Reserved.Designed By澳門盈雋有限公司

(上述活動地址:澳門南灣大馬路 749號地下)

A Night with Piano

It is a convalescent activity withpiano as the main theme. Every week, Forest Kam, the Director, would giveinstruction at site. It is relaxing and beneficial to the development ofintelligence. It is a platform that helps people to regain the confidence andinterest in and motivation to playing piano.


This activity issupported by DSEJ and Rui Cunha Foundation. It is free of charge. People of allages are welcome to participate, exchange and watch. (Venue of the activity: Avenida da Praia Grande, n749, Macau)

  • 14550466
  • 地址 / Address :澳門羅馬街96號 東南亞花園B座四樓AG室 Rua da Roma, no.96, Edif "Jardim Tung Nam Ah",Bloco B,4. andar "AG"
  • 電話 / Tel:+853 6233 8211
  • 電郵 / Email:elitemusic1119@yahoo.com.hk
Copyright 2011, ELITE.All Rights Reserved.Designed By澳門盈雋有限公司