• 10999920
  • 地址 / Address :澳門羅馬街96號 東南亞花園B座四樓AG室 Rua da Roma, no.96, Edif "Jardim Tung Nam Ah",Bloco B,4. andar "AG"
  • 電話 / Tel:+853 6233 8211
  • 電郵 / Email:elitemusic1119@yahoo.com.hk
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4.4.2012 本會會長及副理事長拜訪加拿大門諾大學

Canadian Mennonite University is a famous school of Music Therapy in Winnipeg, Canada.They develop very well the teaching of Music Therapy. The music therapists use music in s skillful, systematic way to promote positive changes in the mental, physical, emotional or spiritual functioning of individuals and groups. In Canada, employment opportunities for music therapists exist in mental health facilities, nursing homes, hospitals, schools, group homes and many other settings. As well, many music therapists develop their own private practices. Music therapists are expected to be accomplished and versatile musicians with a sold grounding in the study of normal and abnormal human development in addition to their music therapy skills.

  • 14550458
  • 地址 / Address :澳門羅馬街96號 東南亞花園B座四樓AG室 Rua da Roma, no.96, Edif "Jardim Tung Nam Ah",Bloco B,4. andar "AG"
  • 電話 / Tel:+853 6233 8211
  • 電郵 / Email:elitemusic1119@yahoo.com.hk
Copyright 2011, ELITE.All Rights Reserved.Designed By澳門盈雋有限公司